Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Inside Cats Are Getting Spring Fever

My youngest is getting spring fever.  We have tried to make all of our 3 cats inside cats, but little Bella just won't have it.  Everytime she gets a chance she runs through the door.  Since we have moved into this house she isn't as bad because it's a bigger area and not as easy for her to get past us, but she has a few times.  Dusty our outside cat (see previous post) has become an inside cat since the move, but now that it is spring he wants out more.  We are trying not to let him out but sometimes you can't help it.  He was let out about a week ago and didn't come back for over a day, we were really scared we lost him since he isn't familiar with the neighborhood.  We even thought about the possibility that he tried to go back to Clinton like you hear about in stories. We are glad he is home safe and we aren't letting him out anytime soon.

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