Wednesday, February 20, 2008

When I met a Rock Star

A week ago today I met Craig Nunemacher the drummer from Black Label Society one of my favorite bands. One of Bruce's friend's knows him cause his brother used to do sound for them. Craig now lives in Brandon and we've hung out several times. He is such a nice guy doesn't act like some big rock star. Since on his next tour he will be with Ozzy Osbourne I told Bruce it would be cool to get his autograph, but I don't want to ask him to get me a bunch of autographs. I'm sure he doesn't want to go around asking everyone for their autograph for me. That day we celebrate Valentine's since Bruce had to work all night on Valentine's. It was the best Valentine's I have ever had. I got to meet some one famous and then got the most incredible meal cooked for me. Steak with seafood sauce on top, lemon spaghetti and squash and zucchini. Bruce is already a great chef but even he said that just about topped anything he's ever made before.

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